An event where bikers could rejoice, rejuvenate, and reconnect, Vatvatey Reunion 2017, was an event solely dedicated to the bike enthusiasts of Nepal.
A first-of-its-kind, premium festival for biking enthusiasts, Vatvatey Reunion 2017 was held at Park Village Resort, Budalinkantha, on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Initiated for the first time by ECS Media to create a bikers’ festival like no other, its main purpose was to link with people who share the same passion towards biking, and to encourage more people to be involved in bike happenings.
The event began with a bikers’ parade, which started from Grande Hospital, Samakoshi. The parade, led by road captain Pramod Shrestha, went through Budanilkantha to the woods of Tokha, and ended at Park Village Resort. Some parts of the road was not that perfect and easy to ride on, but the view,along with the companionship, was amazing. About fifty participants were invited for the parade, after which, they joined rest of the participants at the main venue.
Vatvatey Reunion featured many other elements to embrace the joy of brotherhood. Games like “Carry your Soul”, where a group of four would carry one bike and race to the finish line and “Slow Race”, which is like a regular bike race, but the one who comes last and does not touch the ground, during the race, wins. The winners were awarded prizes. Latest bike models from top motorbike manufacturers Honda, Bajaj, KTM, Piaggio, Benelli, Ducati, and TVS were showcased at the venue. Bike fanatics like Rabi Thapa, Saurabh Jyoti, and Pramod “Goofy” Shrestha were an important part of this event,as they shared their thrilling experiences and travel stories, and their do’s and don’ts of exciting but safe biking expeditions. Vatvatey Reunion had the best ambience to connect and reconnect with new and old biker friends. Biker clubs like Bike-a-holics, Kathmandu Standards, NASA Bullet Club, Riders Unified, and Ryderz of Bhaktapur were just a few names of biking clubs that also attended this event.
Another main feature of this bikers’ event was the customized and modified bike show that was showcased throughout the event. This rarely happens in Kathmandu that, a bunch of unique looking bikes are on display for others to have a look at, and take pictures with them. About eight special bikes were displayed, which were from some personal collections. The owners of these motorbikes created such masterpieces as a representation of their passion towards motorbikes. The customization was so well thought out and distinctive that anyone who saw such bikes, even if they are interested or not, they would look back and be amused.
After all the events that happened, the games, sharing of personal experiences from popular bikers, and the unveiling of the special biking edition Living magazine, the day ended with live music, and it was like a cherry on top of a perfect dessert. Jung Trio, an aspiring musical band, and Robin and the New Revolution brought all of it together at the end.
The entire event was like no other. To sum it all up, Vatvatey Reunion was a bikers’ festival, where biking groups came together and spent a day sharing and creating memories. The experience of this year’s Vatvatey Reunion was remarkable, and it sure will be back next year with a bigger bang.