Fuel, joy, memories, comfort, heritage
Virginia Woolf famously wrote in A Room of One’s Own that “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” I can certainly vouch for the veracity of that, particularly the first part, as several times during my time working on this food issue, hunger has seriously impeded my ability to think, whether well or at all (you just try reading and writing about food all day every day for weeks—not to mention the pictures!).
On one occasion, a photo of a favorite dish being used in one of my articles drove me all the way from our current office in Basundhara and across the river to Patan. I had an article to write, but the words weren’t flowing and I was hungry and a little cranky. Stepping inside the dim interior of my current favorite restaurant (you can see that photo and find out what the place is in an article further ahead in these pages) I was greeted as the regular I’ve become. “What do you want to eat? Your favorite?” I was surprised. “What’s my favorite?” I asked. Turns out he knew exactly what my order would be—I guess I’m more predictable than I’d realized. Sinking into my seat with a happy sigh, I opened my laptop and made short work of that piece that needed writing. Full and happy, it wasn’t just my thinking but my whole day that seemed better, clearer.
Food is of course, is needed fuel—but when we’re lucky it can be so much more than that: something that brings us together, makes us happy, and preserves memories and heritage. In this issue we’ve tried to bring you as wide a range of food—and drink—stories as possible. I hope that one or more will connect with you, and perhaps inspire you to trek across town yourself to try something new or revisit an old favorite, or perhaps pick up a different vegetable at the market and try a recipe you’ve never tried before.
Eat well and enjoy!
Evangeline Neve
Associate Editor