Editorial . May . 2018

A Blend of Views and Stories

There have been several memorable festivals over the last few weeks, like the jatras in Bhaktapur and Thimi; vividly picturesque occasions that are brought to life in this month’s excellent photo stories. We also cover a newer trend in Nepal—care homes for some of our aging citizens, and how this juxtaposes with past traditions. It’s some great food for thought.

Speaking of food, we visit a newer local restaurant where the focus is not on the food—excellent as it may be—but on the abundance of tasty pickles that are served alongside. We meet the WWF country head and get an inside glimpse into what’s happening in conservation across the country. There are articles about pilgrimage, and what it means to be a Nepali in India. Portraits of some of Nepal’s many ethnic groups are highlighted in a series of thought-provoking photos.

Our travel and adventure sections take us wall climbing and on the Chepang Hill trek; as well as news about a travel conference held here recently that focused on creating tourism opportunities for those with disability. In craft news, we learn about weavers in Pokhara and wood-and-metal craftspeople here in the valley, and the timeless pieces they create.

I truly think that in this issue there’s something for everyone, and I hope that it inspires you to do, see, visit, or taste something new. As for myself, I have decided to follow the advice we dispensed in the April issue and head outdoors. This issue is completed and ready for press, and I am heading off with visiting family members to go trekking in the Khumbu region. Learning new stories, seeing new views, making new friends, creating new memories. What’s not to love?

See you next month!

Evangeline Neve

Associate Editor

