Editorial . September . 2016

When you don’t know what to write 

Sometimes, I keep staring at the blank page for hours, sometimes; I keep erasing what I write. 

Some of my writer friends say - it’s easier to write after you have completed your first paragraph. But on most days, I am complaining about what I write. It’s not easy to satisfy yourself that easily with your own writing. Writing is a critical process, a process that pushes us to the limit of losing our mind on most days. The fear of being disapproved, ordinary, indifferent is quite overwhelming.
As writers, we always want to know if someone has read our piece. We are always collecting ideas; we are always chasing words and metaphors. But sometimes, the mind’s block is something you cannot refuse. It’s a serious disease that sometimes takes toll for days and then for weeks. And then when the deadline is dangling, we submit our assignments vainly: adding to it, “I am clueless about what I have written.” 
There are days when I have wished to wear the minds of other writers because I am not comfortable with my own words; days when I am cranky and moody because I have not been able to write for weeks. And there are days, when I am trying to encourage people to write saying, “it’s the most wonderful experience, just ink your thoughts on paper.” As humans, I guess we are all a hypocrite. We lie to ourselves easily. 

Most of us have scathed ourselves in the process and for the best reasons, sometimes giving up becomes easier. This issue of ECS Nepal for most of our contributing writers has been about fighting their writer’s block. While we are still unsure about what we have written, we also know writing will never satisfy us, there’s always something to improve and peck at. So, help us refigure ourselves by sending us your feedbacks this time to thenepaliway.ecs@gmail.com. We will be waiting for your letters to fix our crucified hearts. 
We hope you enjoy reading what we have put together after an epidemic of writer’s block here at ECS *wink*. 

Happy Reading!
