Table of Contents

Issue 52 | March 2006


In North America and Europe, children have been growing up with Hollywood versions of Spiderman, Batman and Superman. Those of us with a bit of grey hair remember them as...

Smoke  on The Water: Hubby-bubbly Hookah

Smoke on The Water: Hubby-bubbly Hookah

Through the ages, human beings have shown a special interest in intoxicating substances, and derived pleasure in delveloping into other worlds in their experiments with new materials, which they had...

Interview: Hem Raj Shakya

Born in 1926, Hem Raj Shakya is the most prominent and knowledgeable scholar on Buddhism, which is practiced in the Kathmandu valley. He is a specialist in epigraphy, a unique...



In North America and Europe, children have been growing up with Hollywood versions of Spiderman, Batman and Superman. Those of us with a bit of grey hair remember them as...

Saathi A Friend in Need

Saathi A Friend in Need

Having realized and iden-tified the need to elimi-nate violence against women, injustice against women and children, and to provide them a secure future, SAATHI was established in 1992 by...

Fragile Mountains

Fragile Mountains

Author M. K. Limbu admits that one of the reasons for writing his novel,Fragile Mountains, was to express the deep sense of anger and frustration he felt with regard to...

Yatra by Pancha Lama Chautari

Yatra by Pancha Lama Chautari

Pancha Lama has brought together have produced an album of lively music. This is one more fusion album, but don’t dismiss it off hand. It is different. “Morning Breeze” has...