Table of Contents

Issue 86 | January 2009

Where to Write When the Lights are Out

The New Year is here in the New Nepal, and the lights are dimmer than ever. How does a writer get on under such circumstances? Where does a writer...

Embracing Secularism

Embracing Secularism

I asked a monk what his expectations would be after the government declares Nepal a secular state, and he said, “I should be allowed to fold my hands in prayer.”...

Pioneer Engineers

Pioneer Engineers

Building a robot was no more than a science fiction, cartoon-induced fantasy by a child in Nepal until about eight years ago when some mechanical and electronic engineering students...

Wake Up to the Smells of Fresh Roasted Coffee

Dale Nafziger is a man with a simple idea; to place Nepal on the world map for quality coffee. With a PhD from Cornell and tonnes of brilliant ideas in...

Escaping Ganesh

Escaping Ganesh

There’s no escaping him. He’s on T-shirts, printed on gift items, souvenirs and such-like. He’s even on the tube, splashed on the screens. He’s brushed on canvas, etched...

Nagarik Aawaz, Saathi, and Tewa

Nagarik Aawaz, Saathi, and Tewa

Non- governmental organizations act as scaffoldings in raising countries like Nepal from the lowly status of a developing to developed nation. They are the supporting structures to a country...